
How do we calculate all this?

Penalty Formula

min(75%, lock_duration_left / 4 years * 100%)

Gauge Boost Formula

The formula for determining your boost is calculated like this:

min(AmountDeposited, (AmountDeposited /10) + (TotalDepositedInTheGauge * VeVMEXBalance / VeVMEXTotalSupply * 0.9))

The more veVMEX locked, the more of a deposit you can boost. Even without a boost, you can still deposit into a gauge, however you will only be able to claim 10% of your rewards.

If you want to calculate your boost, fill out this sheet for your position:

Discount Formula

c / (1 + a * e^k(s * x − 1))

    c = 1
    a = 9.9999
    k = 4.6969
    s = configurable scaling factor (10 right now)
    x = veVMEX_supply / VMEX_supply

Last updated